Occuprint Exhibition in Bolzano

The OCCCU project has been invited to present its poster at ar/ge kunst in Bolzano, Italy. The exhibition "We are the 99%" shows Occuprint artwork, selected by curators 14th June to 3rd August 2013. The Occupy Currency team ist proud, that their art work has been selected.

Download the upgraded OCCCU poster here.

Occupy Currency is an art project by students at FH Vorarlberg and the Department for Design and Media Communication, Dr. Roland Alton.




OCCCU bank closed

The OCCCU bank based on Cyclos has been shut down on March 18th 2018. It was a working prototype, issuingevery month 100 OCCCUS and taking 25% tax. This way we wanted to show, that basic income can be combined with a demurrage. If you did nothing, your account balance was around 400 OCCCUs.


The bank software has not been used and maintained anymore and was a security risk on the fairkom server infrastructure. The virtual image has been put to backup, in case we would like to revive it.

The occcu.com domain will be released and the web page will be made available at occcu.ethify.org.